Space Wallpaper is an application that offers a large collection of space images in amazing quality, planets, moon, stars, galaxies, all available on the screen of your smartphones and tablets.
◉ Features ◉
✔ Use the images as wallpaper.
✔ Free app and always will be.
✔ No need internet connection.
✔ Compatible with 99% of devices.
✔ Does not affect battery performance.
✔ Nice design and intuitive user interface.
✔ The wallpaper automatically adjusts its resolution according to you device.
NOTE: Incompatible with some "lock screens modified".
IMPORTANT: We make use of public images available on the internet, but if there is any of your property and you want to remove it, please contact us via email and send us your web page and photo links.
If you like our job, please, leave a comment and qualify with 5 stars ★★★★★
Thank you!!!
Ruang Wallpaper adalah sebuah aplikasi yang menawarkan koleksi besar gambar ruang dalam kualitas luar biasa, planet, bulan, bintang, galaksi, semua tersedia di layar smartphone Anda dan tablet.
◉ Fitur ◉
✔ Gunakan gambar sebagai wallpaper.
✔ aplikasi gratis dan akan selalu.
✔ Tidak ada koneksi internet kebutuhan.
✔ Kompatibel dengan 99% dari perangkat.
✔ Apakah tidak mempengaruhi kinerja baterai.
✔ bagus desain dan antarmuka pengguna yang intuitif.
✔ Wallpaper secara otomatis menyesuaikan resolusi sesuai dengan perangkat Anda.
CATATAN: Tidak kompatibel dengan beberapa "layar kunci dimodifikasi".
PENTING: Kami membuat penggunaan gambar publik yang tersedia di internet, tetapi jika ada properti Anda dan Anda ingin menghapusnya, silahkan hubungi kami melalui email dan mengirimkan halaman web Anda dan link foto.
Jika Anda menyukai pekerjaan kami, silahkan, memberikan komentar dan memenuhi syarat dengan 5 ★★★★★
Terima kasih!!!
Space Wallpaper is an application that offers a large collection of space images in amazing quality, planets, moon, stars, galaxies, all available on the screen of your smartphones and tablets.
◉ Features ◉
✔ Use the images as wallpaper.
✔ Free app and always will be.
✔ No need internet connection.
✔ Compatible with 99% of devices.
✔ Does not affect battery performance.
✔ Nice design and intuitive user interface.
✔ The wallpaper automatically adjusts its resolution according to you device.
NOTE: Incompatible with some "lock screens modified".
IMPORTANT: We make use of public images available on the internet, but if there is any of your property and you want to remove it, please contact us via email and send us your web page and photo links.
If you like our job, please, leave a comment and qualify with 5 stars ★★★★★
Thank you!!!